L’Chaim (To life)

I asked her why it seems to come so easy for some, while others fight tooth-and-nail, but to no avail.

She told me all was not as it seems.

Often, unbeknownst to us, behind those smiles have been many tears. And behind the day of celebration have been days (and months… and years) of sorrow.

With age, I find more truth to her words:
Of Loss.
Of flickering lives… (one more today…)
Do I gravitate towards those stories, or have You sent them to me?

On earth, joy is often laced with sorrow…

Knowing this, that moments of pure joy are so fragile… maybe it is worth celebrating.

Maybe it’s possible to be joyful for someone else’s joy, though sorrowing that you’ve not know such joys as your own.

And maybe there, I’ll find that Your portion is perfect, that Your way is best, that You are good, always.

Seven days…
And we’ll know more…
And our story will continue.

If a thousand years are but a day in Your sight (2 Peter 3:8), then a lifetime is but a flicker.
And all hopes and sorrows here are but a moment.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom… (Psalm 90:12)
And Lord, teach me your joy and peace.